Project Timeline
Over the past few years, SPU has focused on designing a more natural solution for sediment management in Dead Horse Canyon. This body of work was added to the project scope in 2019 to replace the proposed sediment pond at the corner of Rainier Ave S and 68th Ave S. The shift to a more natural approach requires SPU to expand restoration into Dead Horse Canyon, so the project is now comprised of two design packages – the original Lower Taylor Creek project area, and the Dead Horse Canyon project area. Together these two geographic areas are now collectively called the Taylor Creek Restoration Project.
The scope and level of development for each project area are different:
Lower Taylor Creek – design includes restoration of the lower creek channel and Lake Washington shoreline, replacement of the Rainier Ave S. culvert, and construction of added floodplain habitat immediately upstream of the culvert. This area is at 90% design.
Upper Taylor Creek/Dead Horse Canyon – design includes sediment management and ravine stabilization in Dead Horse Canyon. One design was developed to 60% design, but we are now evaluating new approaches and design options for sediment management in response to community feedback.
Despite being at a more advanced stage, further design of the lower project area is on hold pending advancement of a sediment management design for the upper project area that is supported by the property owner (Parks), the community, and regulatory agencies (responsible for project permitting). After community outreach and a decision on the sediment management strategy in the canyon, the project team would move into the design phase for the upper project area, including applying for the appropriate environmental permits. Construction is tentatively expected to begin in 2026 and is dependent upon when the full design is ready to apply for permits.
Apartment building deconstruction
Sediment management strategy decision-making process
Develop preliminary design for Dead Horse Canyon
Community engagement and outreach
Early Works projects finalize designs, projects advertisements, and bid
Begin 90% design
Permit applications (entire project)
Design and permit reviews
Finalize Design (entire project)
Continued community outreach and engagement
Early Work projects construction
Project advertisement and bid
Continued community engagement and outreach
Once we get closer to construction, we will share more information about anticipated start date, construction schedule, and anticipated construction impacts.
How are we incorporating community feedback?
Over the last few years, we have held several outreach events and conducted a survey in 2022. We have incorporated the community's feedback into current design elements, including:
Planting taller trees with varying canopy and shrubs
Designing a shared pedestrian and maintenance access path to Lake Washington to maximize restoration areas and ecological benefits
Creating a viewpoint, pedestrian bridge, and trail in the lower project area to observe the creek and spawning sockeye salmon
Providing beach access at Lake Washington
Providing feedback and cultural inspiration for project artwork by artist Olalekan Jeyifous
Emphasizing more pedestrian safety features
We will continue to ask for feedback from community members and encourage you to subscribe to the project mailing list to stay up to date on community engagement activities.