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Project Team

The multi-agency and multi-disciplinary project team team is comprised of civil engineers, watershed road engineers, hydrologists, geomorphologists, landscape architects, fish biologists, and ecologists who have extensive experience in river and urban creek restoration, floodplain management, fish passage, and habitat restoration. Our team has completed many similar projects, including for the City of Seattle (Kingfisher Floodplain, Thornton Creek Confluence Restoration). Our consultant team is led by Osborn Consulting, Inc (OCI), a full-service design firm providing civil engineering, landscape architecture, and urban design services. OCI also guides and manages the team’s subconsultants such as Natural Systems Design (NSD), a local,

internationally recognized leader in the design and use of large woody material structures in ecosystem restoration projects. The NSD team is primarily responsible for the design of the engineered large woody material structures in the canyon and project vegetation restoration. SPU is working in partnership with Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) to confirm that project elements align with SDOT design standards and SPR’s goal of promoting responsible land stewardship. The project is funded by SPU drainage and wastewater rates with additional funding from the King County Flood Control District’s Cooperative Watershed Management Grant Program funds, the Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board's Salmon State Projects, and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration.

Contact Us

We're committed to keeping you informed. If you would like more information about the project or have any questions, please use one of the following resources:


For interpretation services, please call (206) 684-3066

如需要口譯服務,請撥電話號碼 (206) 684-3066

통역 서비스를 원하시면 (206) 684-3066으로 전화하세요

Para servicios de interpretación por favor llame al (206) 684-3066

Về dịch vụ phiên dịch xin gọi (206) 684-3066

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