Project Components

This project aims to deliver the following benefits:
Increase fish access by removing fish passage barriers
Construct a new wide span bridge and sidewalks along Rainier Ave S
Restore the creek and delta habitat for salmon in the lower creek (increase quantity and quality of spawning, rearing, and refuge habitat)
Provide a new public shoreline access to the new natural area north of Rainier Ave S
Construct safety improvements along Rainier Ave S in coordination with the Seattle Department of Transportation
Improve drainage and reduce storm-related flooding downstream for Rainier Ave S
Reduce stream bank and slope erosion as well as retain sediment in Dead Horse Canyon with large woody materials (LWM), tightlines and revegetation along the creek
Improve shade over the creek and water quality treatment through creation of a new riparian corridor established in the lower channel
Create a healthier plant community through revegetation with native plants throughout the lower project area and in Dead Horse Canyon, while preserving as much of the existing forest ecosystem as possible