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Developing New Preliminary Design Options

In addition to collecting ratings from community members, SPU rated each sediment management idea and collected ratings from other stakeholders, including SPR and Friends of Dead Horse Canyon. The ratings were averaged into a score for each idea to evaluate which should move forward into concepts. The score for each idea is included below.


Ideas that scored higher than 12 were grouped into new preliminary options for evaluation. MD-21 scored exactly 12, but was included because it may provide another access point to get materials and equipment into the canyon.

There are three new preliminary options:

Preliminary Option A

  • Access only along channel from downstream and upstream directions as appropriate (Idea MC-02)

  • Use small-tracked vehicle (ATV) to haul logs and other materials along existing trail (Idea MD-06)

  • Use winches and hoists to assist with material delivery (Idea MD-12)

  • Use smaller structures initially and return in future years to increase placements where required (Idea RS-06)

  • Use boulders or boulder clusters to help retain sediment (Idea RS-07)


Preliminary Option B1

  • Access only along channel from downstream and upstream directions as appropriate (Idea MC-02)

  • Assemble mechanical equipment in the canyon for use and disassemble to remove (Idea MC-06)

  • Use helicopter delivery for materials (Idea MD-02)

  • More strategic machine placement of log structures in fewer locations ("hot spots") (Idea RS-08)

  • Option B2 Alternative to RS-08: Log structures throughout canyon rather than just in hot spots


Preliminary Option C

  • Use small-tracked vehicle (ATV) to haul logs and other materials along existing trail (Idea MD-06)

  • Use winches and hoists to assist with material delivery (Idea MD-12)

  • Use existing easements to establish slide or highline to bring in material (Idea MD-21)

  • Use smaller structures initially and return in future years to increase placements where required (Idea RS-06)

The two additional options that were being considered can be found on our 2022 Design Details page.

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