Taylor Creek Restoration Project Online Open House
Welcome to the Taylor Creek Restoration Project online open house! Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is planning improvements to Taylor Creek, which is located near the south end of Lake Washington in southeast Seattle.
This project would:
Address localized flooding and sediment deposition by improving drainage infrastructure
Remove fish passage barriers and improve natural habitat
Restore the natural drainage system in Taylor Creek to improve the watershed
Increase equitable access to open space for the community
The project area stretches from the shoreline of Lake Washington south across Rainier Avenue S, and into Lakeridge Park (also known as Dead Horse Canyon) and includes approximately 3,300 feet of creek restoration and improvements. SPU acquired property to create a new meandering creek channel at the lower reaches of Taylor Creek to increase the quality and size of habitat for threatened juvenile Chinook salmon and other species in Taylor Creek and at the Lake Washington shoreline. This project will also increase publicly accessible open space in southeast Seattle.
Watch the video below for an overview of the project.
Explore this online open house to:
Learn about Taylor Creek and why restoration is needed
Understand the science behind the restoration designs
Learn about the Value Study process, sediment management ideas, and preliminary options for a sediment management solution for Dead Horse Canyon
Explore additional resources on the project
Online Open House Content
Value Study
Value Study Community Feedback
New Preliminary Design Options
How Does This Site Work?
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